Aggie Outdoors
Escaping Routine since 2015
Who are we?
We, the students in this organization, are of all ages, majors, nationalities, identities, and religions. We’re students that constantly learn from this prestigious University, from nature, and from each other. Individually, we each have our own passions which may include hiking, climbing, biking, kayaking, fishing, playing music, photography, painting, planting, or taking our doggo on a walk. Collectively, we hype each other up, share some laughs, and look for opportunities to get outside together. Our mission is to unite those who aspire to increase their knowledge and experience of the outdoors, provide opportunities to better the outdoor environment in acts of service, and to build leadership skills alongside other Texas A&M students.

What do we do?

C amping
Each semester the Leadership team books three or four camping trips to different state parks and a variety of other areas of interest within about a 4 hour driving radius of College Station. We restrict our campouts to active Aggie Outdoors members only (other than our Alumni campouts once a semester), this prevents campouts from getting too large and allows the friendships that inherently happen once you join this derpy group to grow. The Leadership team organizes all campsite reservations, food purchases, driving arrangements, and provides tents and cooking equipment for each trip. All you have to do if you become a member is rsvp and show up :-)

S ervice
During the school year, Aggie Outdoors enjoys giving back to the local and surrounding communities through park cleanups, street cleanups, and other opportunities to be of service. We are always seeking out new and creative ways to support a cleaner environment and encourage litter reduction.

C ommunity
noun: “A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals”
We pride ourselves in remaining a relatively small organization so each person brings a unique passion and personality to the table. Ways that we facilitate friendships and spice up your calendar include day trips, local hangouts, play days in the park, family dinners, tailgates, game nights, intramurals, and a Formal at the end of the fall semester.
During the year our members even take extra camping trips during the semester breaks! These extra trips are purely organized by the members in AO.
L eadership
Multiple positions exist within Aggie Outdoors on our Leadership team that will allow you to become more involved and lead the organization by helping to plan out activities, campouts, service events, and socials. There are also officers in charge of creating our awesome merchandise, running our social media, connecting our organization with the public, and leading us through our recruitment season. Those of us on the Leadership team strive to give the members exposure to new experiences, access to the coolest resources and parks that we can, and serve our AO family to the best of our abilities!